Saturday, November 30, 2013

Her Mother's Face by Roddy Doyle

This book is about a young girl named Siobhan and her father dealing with the loss of her mother and his wife. Throughout the years the two continuously feel sad until Siobhan follows advice from a mysterious woman.
This picturebook is fiction and is created with watercolors and charcoal. The illustrator, Freya Blackwood is very creative in painting pictures that readers could actually feel while reading. The facial expressions and memories drawn from Siobhan memories of the short times she had with her mother were beautiful!
This book is very motivational for some readers who understands what it feels like to lose their mother. Motivational because the words from the mystery woman helps Siobhan deal with the loss by giving her encouraging words and telling her that when she look in the mirror she would see how her mother would look at her and how much she would look like her when she grows up.
One activity I would do with my class is a writing piece that allows students to write about a time that made them sad. My intent would be to do this in their journals. Daily journal writing is good for some students who may be dealing with hard times like Siobhan. Another activity would be to draw a picture of a person who they love and miss. This would be an activity that students could show their artistic abilities as well.
Questions I would include after reading this aloud would be:
- How did Siobhan deal with her mother's death?
- How did Siobhan feel when she would see other children with their mothers?
- What did Siobhan name her daughter?
Another book this author has written is Wilderness and The Giggler Treatment.
Great book to read to help those who are weeping or having difficulty dealing with a situation in their life!  

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