Friday, November 22, 2013

Thank You, Sarah

Thank You, Sarah is written by Laurie Anderson and illustrated by Matt Faulker. The book is about a then magazine editor and author that persuaded President Lincoln to transform Thanksgiving Day into a national holiday. The genre of this book would be realistic fiction. Realistic fiction are events or things that could actually happen in modern times today that may have happened differently in the past, which in retrospect could easily turn into historical fiction. The events that happened in the book during the 18th century are actual events that has made it possible for the country to have a national holiday, Thanksgiving Day!


The illustrations are full of dynamic, drawn with water colors and Indian ink. Warm toned colors are used to give readers a feel of just how fall and Thanksgiving is today. The multicultural and historical images are very warm and eccentric as well.

 This is very good picturebook to use in the classroom also with a variety of activities. A motivational activity I would use is a standing for what is right activity! I would discuss how powerful determination and believing in the right thing could change the world. I would include a persuasive writing activity that would allow students to persuade their audiences about a change they would like to see within their community or schools.

Some questions I would include in the classroom would be:

1. What are some things other than Thanksgiving that Sarah help fight for?

2. What type of literature did Sarah write during this time?

3. What were the names of the other Presidents that Sarah wrote? What year were they in office?

This book is presented in a creative way that explains how one woman helped change the mindset of a major figure with fight and determination! The concept of the book is very powerful yet illustrated in a very interesting manner where children would like to learn about history!

Great picturebook!

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